For over 20 years, I’ve had the privilege of helping guide the creative journey of some pretty amazing brands.

Visiting one of my furry friends at Sesame's corporate headquarters in New York, NY.

Visiting one of my furry friends at Sesame's corporate headquarters in New York, NY.

Non-Profit and Education

The Albany Academies (Albany, NY)

American Museum of Natural History (NYC)

Brimmer and May School (Boston, MA)

Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra (Buffalo, NY)

Delaware Office of Work-Based Learning, Delaware Technical Community College (Wilmington, DE)

EL Education (NYC)

Georgetown Visitation (Washington, DC)

Hatch Early Learning (Winston-Salem, NC)

HighScope Educational Research Foundation (Ypsilanti, MI)

Holton Arms School (Washington-Metro area)

The Klingenstein Center at Teachers College, Columbia University (NYC)

Lake Placid Freestyle Team at National Sports Academy (Lake Placid, NY)

Little Orchestra Society (NYC)

Start Early (Chicago, IL)

The Park School of Buffalo (Buffalo, NY)

Sesame Workshop/Sesame Street (NYC, International)

Storm King School (Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY)

University at Buffalo (Buffalo, NY) 

World Science Festival (NYC)

Agency & Studio Freelance

Berenter, Greenhouse & Webster (NYC)

De Plano Group, Inc. (NYC)

Discovery Channel (Washington-Metro area)

The Invisions Group (Washington-Metro area)

Kirshenbaum Bond Partners (NYC)

Showtime Networks (NYC)

SJI Associates (NYC)

Wunderman Cato Johnson (NYC)